//SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense pragma solidity ^0.8.17; // import "./TCStoken.sol"; contract TransparentCharity { // TCStoken public token; // address public tokenContractAddress; struct Donor { string name; uint256 balance; address payable Address; mapping(uint256 => uint256) donations; // project ID => donation amount uint256[] transactionHistory; } struct CharityProject { address payable beneficiary; string name; string title; string desc; string image; uint256 goalAmount; uint256 currentAmount; //uint256 deadline; bool isActive; address[] donators; uint256[] donations; } struct Beneficiary { string name; string rescueInformation; // string[] documents; address payable Address; uint256 balance; // mapping(uint256 => uint256) etherUsage; // project ID => token usage uint256[] transactionHistory; } struct Product { string productId; string productName; uint256 price; } struct CooperativeStore { string storeName; address payable storeOwner; uint256 balance; mapping(string => Product) products; string[] productIds; // Maintain an array of product IDs } struct CharityOrg { string OrgName; address OrgAddress; string Desc; uint256 orgBalance; } CharityOrg public c; mapping(address => Donor) private donors; address[] private donorAddresses; mapping(address => Beneficiary) private beneficiaries; CooperativeStore public cooperativeStore; CharityProject[] private charityProjects; // Event emitted when a donation is made event DonationMade( address indexed donor, uint256 indexed projectId, uint256 amount ); event ProjectApproved( address indexed beneficiary, uint256 indexed projectId ); // Event emitted when tokens are exchanged for money event TokensExchangedForMoney( address indexed storeOwner, uint256 tokenAmount ); event TokensAllocatedToBeneficiary( address indexed beneficiary, uint256 tokenAmount ); event FundsDepositedToBeneficiary( address donor, uint256 indexed projectId, uint256 amount ); event TokenSpentInStore(address beneficiary, uint256 amount); event FundsRefunded(address donor, uint256 amount); event CharityProjectUpdated(uint256 indexed projectId, bool isActive); // constructor() { // //constructor // token = TCStoken(0x3221F2317a265711f9eb990099f41cF79204A332); // tokenContractAddress = token.getTokenAddress(); // } //----------Donor Functions--------------------------------- // Function to create an account for a donor function createDonorAccount(string memory _name) external { require(donors[msg.sender].balance == 0, "Account already exists."); donors[msg.sender].Address = payable(msg.sender); donors[msg.sender].balance = payable(msg.sender).balance; donors[msg.sender].name = _name; donorAddresses.push(msg.sender); } modifier onlyDonor() { require( donors[msg.sender].Address == msg.sender, "Only donor can call this function." ); _; } function getDonorDetails() external view onlyDonor returns ( string memory, uint256, address ) { Donor storage donor = donors[msg.sender]; return (donor.name, donor.balance, donor.Address); } // Function to deposit funds into a donor's account function depositFunds(uint256 amount) external payable onlyDonor { payable(msg.sender).transfer(amount); donors[msg.sender].balance += amount; } // Function to get the balance of a donor's account function getDonorAccountBalance() external view onlyDonor returns (uint256) { return donors[msg.sender].balance; } // Function to donate to a specific charity project function donateToProject(uint256 projectId) external payable onlyDonor { uint256 amount = msg.value; require(projectId < charityProjects.length, "Invalid project ID."); require(charityProjects[projectId].isActive, "Project is not active."); require(amount > 0, "Donation amount must be greater than zero."); require(donors[msg.sender].balance >= amount, "Insufficient funds."); // if (msg.value > amount) { // // Excess funds, refund the excess to the donor // uint256 refundAmount = msg.value - amount; // donors[msg.sender].balance += refundAmount; // payable(msg.sender).transfer(refundAmount); // emit FundsRefunded(msg.sender, refundAmount); // } // uint256 etherAmount = msg.value; //payable(charityProjects[projectId].beneficiary).transfer(amount); (bool sent, ) = payable(charityProjects[projectId].beneficiary).call{ value: amount }(""); if (sent) { donors[msg.sender].balance -= amount; donors[msg.sender].donations[projectId] += amount; charityProjects[projectId].currentAmount += amount; charityProjects[projectId].donators.push(msg.sender); charityProjects[projectId].donations.push(amount); donors[msg.sender].transactionHistory.push(amount); } else { revert("Failed to send donation to the beneficiary."); } emit DonationMade(msg.sender, projectId, amount); } // Function to get the transaction history of a donor function getDonorTransactionHistory() external view onlyDonor returns (uint256[] memory) { return donors[msg.sender].transactionHistory; } //------------Beneficiary Functions----------------------------------------------------- // Function to create an account for a beneficiary function createBeneficiaryAccount( string memory _name, string memory _rescueInformation //address payable _address ) external { require( bytes(beneficiaries[msg.sender].name).length == 0, "Account already exists." ); beneficiaries[msg.sender].name = _name; beneficiaries[msg.sender].rescueInformation = _rescueInformation; beneficiaries[msg.sender].Address = payable(msg.sender); beneficiaries[msg.sender].balance = payable(msg.sender).balance; } modifier onlyBeneficiary() { require( beneficiaries[msg.sender].Address == msg.sender, "Only beneficiary can call this function." ); _; } function getBeneficiaryDetails() public view onlyBeneficiary returns ( string memory, string memory, address, uint256 ) { Beneficiary storage beneficiary = beneficiaries[msg.sender]; return ( beneficiary.name, beneficiary.rescueInformation, beneficiary.Address, beneficiary.balance ); } // Function to update a beneficiary's rescue information function updateRescueInformation(string memory _rescueInformation) external onlyBeneficiary { beneficiaries[msg.sender].rescueInformation = _rescueInformation; } // // Function to upload a document or evidence for a beneficiary's project // function uploadDocument(string memory _document) external { // beneficiaries[msg.sender].documents.push(_document); // } // Function to get the balance of a beneficiary's account function getBeneficiaryBalance() external view onlyBeneficiary returns (uint256) { return beneficiaries[msg.sender].balance; } // Function to show the transaction history of token usage and remaining balance function getBeneficiaryTransactionHistory() external view onlyBeneficiary returns (uint256[] memory) { return beneficiaries[msg.sender].transactionHistory; } // Function for beneficiaries to spend tokens in cooperative stores function spendTokens(string memory productId) external payable onlyBeneficiary { uint256 productPrice = cooperativeStore.products[productId].price; require(productPrice > 0, "Invalid product"); require( beneficiaries[msg.sender].balance >= productPrice, "Insufficient ethers." ); // require(msg.value== productPrice, "Wrong price of product"); (bool sent, ) = payable(cooperativeStore.storeOwner).call{ value: msg.value }(""); if (sent) { beneficiaries[msg.sender].balance -= msg.value; beneficiaries[msg.sender].transactionHistory.push(msg.value); cooperativeStore.balance += msg.value; } else { revert("Failed to send payment to the store owner."); } emit TokenSpentInStore(msg.sender, msg.value); } // Function to deposit funds into a beneficiary's account // function depositFundsToBeneficiary( // address _address, // uint256 projectId, // uint256 _amount // ) external payable { // require(_amount > 0, "Amount must be greater than zero."); // require(projectId < charityProjects.length, "Invalid project ID."); // uint256 amount = _amount; // // Mint ERC20 tokens to the beneficiary // // token.mint(beneficiaries[msg.sender].Address, amount); // beneficiaries[_address].balance += amount; // // Update the project's current amount // charityProjects[projectId].currentAmount += amount; // payable(charityProjects[projectId].beneficiary).transfer(amount); // // Emit an event to indicate the funds deposited // emit FundsDepositedToBeneficiary(_address, projectId, amount); // } //-----------------Charity Project--------------------------------------------------- // Function to create a charity project function createCharityProject( string memory _title, string memory _desc, string memory _image, //address payable _beneficiary, uint256 _goalAmount ) external onlyBeneficiary returns (uint256) { // require( // beneficiaries[msg.sender].Address == _beneficiary, // "Only beneficiary can create a project." // ); CharityProject memory project; project.name = beneficiaries[msg.sender].name; project.title = _title; project.desc = _desc; project.image = _image; project.beneficiary = payable(msg.sender); project.goalAmount = _goalAmount; project.currentAmount = 0; project.isActive = false; uint256 projectId = charityProjects.length; charityProjects.push(project); return projectId; } function getCharityProjects() external view returns (CharityProject[] memory) { return charityProjects; } function getProjectDonators(uint256 projectId) external view returns (address[] memory) { require(charityProjects[projectId].isActive, "Invalid project"); return charityProjects[projectId].donators; } function getApprovedProjects() external view returns (CharityProject[] memory) { uint256 approvedCount = 0; for (uint256 i = 0; i < charityProjects.length; i++) { if (charityProjects[i].isActive) { approvedCount++; } } CharityProject[] memory approvedProjects = new CharityProject[]( approvedCount ); uint256 currentIndex = 0; for (uint256 i = 0; i < charityProjects.length; i++) { if (charityProjects[i].isActive) { approvedProjects[currentIndex] = charityProjects[i]; currentIndex++; } } return approvedProjects; } // ---------------------- Cooperative Store Section -------------------------------------------- modifier onlyStoreOwner() { require( msg.sender == cooperativeStore.storeOwner, "Only store owner can call this function" ); _; } function createCooperativeStore(string memory _storeName) external { require( cooperativeStore.storeOwner == address(0), "Store already exists." ); cooperativeStore.storeName = _storeName; cooperativeStore.storeOwner = payable(msg.sender); cooperativeStore.balance = payable(msg.sender).balance; } function getCooperativeStoreDetails() external view returns ( string memory storeName, address payable storeOwner, uint256 balance, string[] memory productIds ) { return ( cooperativeStore.storeName, cooperativeStore.storeOwner, cooperativeStore.balance, cooperativeStore.productIds ); } function addProduct( string memory productId, string memory productName, uint256 price ) external onlyStoreOwner { require( cooperativeStore.products[productId].price == 0, "Product already exists" ); Product memory newProduct = Product(productId, productName, price); cooperativeStore.products[productId] = newProduct; cooperativeStore.productIds.push(productId); // Add the product ID to the array } function getProduct(string memory productId) external view returns (Product memory) { return cooperativeStore.products[productId]; } function getAllProducts() external view returns (Product[] memory) { CooperativeStore storage store = cooperativeStore; uint256 productCount = store.productIds.length; Product[] memory products = new Product[](productCount); uint256 index = 0; for (uint256 i = 0; i < productCount; i++) { string memory productId = store.productIds[i]; Product memory product = store.products[productId]; products[index] = product; index++; } return products; } //---------Charity Organization-------------------- // Function to create or log in to the charity organization account function createOrganization( string memory orgName, string memory description ) external { require( c.OrgAddress == address(0), "Charity organization already exists." ); c = CharityOrg({ OrgName: orgName, OrgAddress: payable(msg.sender), Desc: description, orgBalance: payable(msg.sender).balance }); } modifier onlyOrganization() { require( msg.sender == c.OrgAddress, "Only Charity Organization can call this function" ); _; } // Function to create or update a charity project // function updateCharityProject( // uint256 _projectId, // string memory _beneficiaryName, // string memory _projectTitle, // string memory _projectDesc, // string memory _projectImg, // uint256 _goalAmount, // address payable _receiver // ) external onlyOrganization { // require(_projectId < charityProjects.length, "Invalid project ID."); // CharityProject storage project = charityProjects[_projectId]; // project.name = _beneficiaryName; // project.title = _projectTitle; // project.desc = _projectDesc; // project.image = _projectImg; // project.goalAmount = _goalAmount; // project.beneficiary = _receiver; // emit CharityProjectUpdated(_projectId, project.isActive); // } // Function to review and approve beneficiary projects function approveBeneficiaryProject(uint256 projectId, bool approve) external onlyOrganization { require(projectId < charityProjects.length, "Invalid project ID."); CharityProject storage project = charityProjects[projectId]; require(!project.isActive, "Project is already active."); if (approve) { project.isActive = true; } emit CharityProjectUpdated(projectId, project.isActive); } function checkProjectCompletion(uint256 projectId) external { require(projectId < charityProjects.length, "Invalid project ID"); CharityProject storage project = charityProjects[projectId]; require(project.isActive, "Project is already inactive"); if (project.currentAmount == project.goalAmount) { project.isActive = false; } } // Function to get the status and progress of an ongoing project function getProjectStatus(uint256 projectId) external view returns ( string memory, string memory, string memory, string memory, uint256, uint256, address, bool ) { require(projectId < charityProjects.length, "Invalid project ID."); CharityProject storage project = charityProjects[projectId]; return ( project.name, project.title, project.desc, project.image, project.goalAmount, project.currentAmount, project.beneficiary, project.isActive ); } }