// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.19; contract Secp256r1Verifier { // Address of the precompiled secp256r1 contract (0x8001) address constant SECP256R1_PRECOMPILE = address(0x8001); /** * @dev Verifies a secp256r1 signature for the IoT device data. * @param timestamp The timestamp of the IoT message. * @param latitude The latitude in the message. * @param longitude The longitude in the message. * @param temperature The temperature in the message. * @param r The r part of the signature (32 bytes). * @param s The s part of the signature (32 bytes). * @param pubKey The public key of the IoT device that signed the message (encoded as an (x, y) point). * @return bool indicating whether the signature is valid. */ function verifyIoTData( string memory timestamp, string memory latitude, string memory longitude, string memory temperature, bytes32 r, bytes32 s, bytes memory pubKey ) public view returns (bool) { // Step 1: Hash the IoT data bytes32 messageHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(timestamp, latitude, longitude, temperature)); // Step 2: Encode the input as expected by the precompiled contract // Input format: (messageHash, r, s, uncompressed pubKey) bytes memory input = abi.encodePacked(messageHash, r, s, pubKey); // Step 3: Call the precompiled contract at 0x8001 for secp256r1 signature verification (bool success, bytes memory result) = SECP256R1_PRECOMPILE.staticcall(input); // Step 4: Check if the signature verification was successful (result[0] == 1) if (success && result.length == 1 && uint8(result[0]) == 1) { return true; } return false; } }