// Solidity program to demonstrate // Inline Assembly pragma solidity ^0.4.0; // Creating a contract contract InlineAssembly { // Defining function function add(uint a) view returns (uint b) { // Inline assembly code assembly { // Creating a new variable 'c' // Calculate the sum of 'a+16' // with the 'add' opcode // assign the value to the 'c' let c := add(a, 16) // Use 'mstore' opcode to // store 'c' in memory // at memory address 0x80 mstore(0x80, c) { // Creating a new variable' // Calculate the sum of 'sload(c)+12' // means values in variable 'c' // with the 'add' opcode // assign the value to 'd' let d := add(sload(c), 12) // assign the value of 'd' to 'b' b := d // 'd' is deallocated now } // Calculate the sum of 'b+c' with the 'add' opcode // assign the value to 'b' b := add(b, c) // 'c' is deallocated here } } }